Reseller information
MOQ none - highly recommended to have in stock
MRP: 6,3€ ($6,80 US, 20.4.2015) plus tax
General information:
Every Kayfun V4 has a glass-tank included in the box. In case a customer breaks it, he can buy this spare glass-tank from you. The glass-tank is not included in the customer warranty.
Material: Borosilicate glass
Reseller information
MOQ none - highly recommended to have in stock
MRP: MRP: 4,2€ ($4,49 US, 20.4.2015) plus tax
Scope of delivery:
1x seal ring A4 17x1.5
1x seal ring A7 13x1
Material: PTFE
Reseller information
Class B-merchandise sale: Last units of the K4 - Spare M-Tank (also compatibel with KFL+ Five Pawns Edition). These units may have minor visual imperfections, which do not affect the functionality and are therefore excluded from warranty.
MOQ: none.
MRP: 8,4€ ($9,08 US, 20.4.2015) plus tax
General information:
Every Kayfun V4 has an M-tank included in the box. In case a customer breaks it, he can buy this spare M-tank from you. The M-tank is not included in the customer warranty.
Material: Polycarbonate
Reseller information
MOQ - none, but highly recommended to have in stock
Scope of delivery:
2 regular builddeck screws
2 long builddeck screws
all o-rings
Reseller Information
MRRP: 9,99€ incl. VAT/ $9,99
What is PSU?
Polysulfones are a family of high performance thermoplastics. These polymers are known for their toughness and stability at high temperatures. They are widely used for medical applications. Further qualities are:
temperature resistance
chemical resistance
physiological unobjectionable
Customer Information
Spare window for Kayfun X.
Scope of delivery
1x Kayfun X - PSU window
Reseller Information
MRRP: 9,99€ incl. VAT/ $9,99
What is PSU?
Polysulfones are a family of high performance thermoplastics. These polymers are known for their toughness and stability at high temperatures. They are widely used for medical applications. Further qualities are:
temperature resistance
chemical resistance
physiological unobjectionable
Customer Information
Spare window for Kayfun X mini
Scope of delivery
1x Kayfun X mini- PSU window
Kayfun Lite plus Spare Kit
4 x spare O-ring (big)
1 x spare O-ring (small)
2 x spare screws M1,6 (for mounting the wick)
2 x refilling screw M2,5
1 x allen screw (for air control)
Reseller information
MOQ - none, but highly recommended to have in stock
Suitable for Kayfun [lite] 22mm and 24mm.
Scope of delivery
All o-rings
4x build screws
1x AFC grub screw
Reseller information
MOQ - none, but highly recommended to have in stock
Suitable for Kayfun Lite [plus] 22mm and 24mm.
Scope of delivery
All o-rings
4x build screws
Reseller information
MOQ none - highly recommended to have in stock
RRP: 6,3€ + tax
General information:
Every Mini V3 comes with a glass tank. In case a customer breaks it, he can buy this spare glass-tank from you. The glass-tank is not included in the customer warranty.
Material: Borosilicate glass
Reseller information
MOQ - none, but highly recommended to have in stock
RRP: 2,09€ plus tax
Scope of delivery:
2 builddeck screws
1 grub screw for Airflow Control
all o-rings